padoka is back!

Hi, after a little hiatus, padoka is back with LLVM 10.x git, mesa 19.3.0 git and the latest drm. Drivers to follow. Enjoy!

padoka stable now on mesa 19.1.0

Hi/2 all, Like the title said, padoka stable is now on mesa 19.1.0 for both bionic (lts) and disco. enjoy!

padoka is now on disco

bionic and disco on padoka ppa are now enabled, sorry for the delay but meson was giving me a hard time. enjoy

padoka stable now at mesa 19.0.1 and llvm 8.x

So like the title says, padoka stable is now at mesa 19.0.1 and llvm 8.x. enjoy.

updates in padoka git and stable

hi/2 all padoka ppa (aka unstable) is now on llvm 9 and mesa 19.1. padoka stable is now on 18.3.3 waiting for 19.0 to go gold (will be compiled with llvm 8.0 stable). enjoy.

mesa 18.3.0 landed on padoka stable

Padoka stable now has mesa 18.3.0 for both bionic and cosmic. enjoy!

padoka ppa (unstable) is now on cosmic.

padoka ppa now has packages for both bionic and cosmic, padoka stable will follow as soon as 18.3 hits gold. enjoy

padoka will soon go where no ppa has gone before

For those waiting in bated breath, padoka will soon go to the moon and beyond, to the cosmos… should be this week, stay tuned.

latest mesa breaks wayland – workaround

HI/2 all… The latest mesa code reverted to using the wayland libwayland-egl, instead of using their own, so if you are having this error: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory install the following package: apt install libwayland-egl1 this should fix things for now, mesa is […]

padoka stable ppa now on bionic (18.04)

Since 18.04 is also an LTS, i’m dropping support for all previous releases, from now on is bionic and the next non-lts release when available. enjoy.