Novos pacotes no padoka.
O repositório padoka tem novos pacotes disponíveis para o (K)ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn. As
mesmas versões para o (k)ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy gibbon) encontram-se disponíveis no projeto getdeb.
* Screenlets 0.0.14
Screenlets are small owner-drawn applications (written in Python) that can be
described as “the virtual representation of things lying/standing around on
your desk”. Sticknotes, clocks, rulers, … the possibilities are endless.
The goal of the Screenlets base-classes is to simplify the creation of fully
themeable mini-apps that each solve basic desktop-work-related needs and
generally improve the usability and eye-candy of the modern composited
* Lincity NG 1.1.2
LinCity-NG is a City Simulation Game. It is a polished and improved
version of the old LinCity game:
You are required to build and maintain a city. You must feed, house,
provide jobs and goods for your residents. You can build a sustainable
economy with the help of renewable energy and recycling, or you can go for
broke and build rockets to escape from a pollution ridden and resource
starved planet, it’s up to you. Due to the finite resources available in any
one place, this is not a game that you can leave for long periods of time.
This game is similar to the commercial simulation game with a similar
Enjoy! 🙂
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ 19/03/2008 21:00