Saiu o Amarok 1.4.6…
Saiu o Amarok 1.4.6, pegue-o enquanto está quente.
Ainda não sairam os debs para kubuntu, mas devem sair amanhã cedo, fiquem de olho no site do kubuntu.
Link: Amarok – Rediscover your music
- Funky new icon set, featuring KDE4 Oxygen colors by Landy DeField; for 2.0 he will be working to ensure that Amarok has a complete Oxygen icon set.
- Default database backend is a lot faster due to a new SQLite version.
- A gigantic load of bug fixes, the main focus of this release.
- Introducing rockbox support for iPod.
- Performance tuning. # More wockas per square inch.
- A miracle in software engineering – we added less people to an early software project and made it later, disproving the Mythical Man-Month. # Packaged with FUKITOL.
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ 21/06/2007 17:42